Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian youth's rite of Passage? His father takes him into the forest, blindfolds him and leaves him alone. He is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove the blindfold until the rays of the morning sun shine through it. He cannot cry out for help to anyone. Once he survives the night, he is a MAN. He cannot tell the other boys of this experience, because each lad must come into manhood on his own. The boy is naturally terrified. He can hear all kinds of noises. Wild beasts must surely be all around him. Maybe even some human might do him harm. The wind blew the grass and earth, and shook his stump, but he sat stoically, never removing the blindfold. It would be the only way he could become a man! Finally, after a horrific night the sun appeared and he removed his blindfold. It was then that he discovered his father sitting on the stump next to him. He had been at watch the entire night, protecting his son from harm. We, too, are never alone. Even when we don't know it, God is watching over us, sitting on the stump beside us. When trouble comes, all we have to do is reach out to Him.

Let's be more aware of all the choices, situations, twists and turns that brought us to this place right here and now. They May Be Miracles.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy Anniversary To Us!!

My Husband, Dan, and I celebrated 15 years together as husband and wife yesterday, May 20th!   I have a ton of other photos of us, but these are the ones currently on the computer I am typing on. 
Happy Anniversary to the love of my life, my one and only BFF!! after posting this I had to go to the other computer where all the pictures are and post a few of my fav's from over the years...
The Grand Canyon

Cocoa Beach, Fla

On a walk one evening near home

In a courtyard in the middle of a monestary in Germany

In a Japanese Garden in a town in Belgium

Birth of baby #2

and measuring the catch below...

Birth of baby #3
and teaching him O - H - I - O ... below...

First ever Father/Daughter Dance  2009
(haven't loaded the ones from this year yet which include daughters 1 and 2)

What a magnificent husband and daddy!! 
15 years flew by fast...looking forward to many, many, many forever more years!!


Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR said...

Congratulations and happy anniversary!!

LibbyLibbyLibbyLibbyLibby said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, Happy Happy Anniversary and many many many many more happy years and memories to come! Love the walk through pics! Sweet family!

Leslie {Goodbye, house. Hello, home!} said...

What a beautiful, beautiful family you have!
These pictures made me smile!
You and your hubby are so cute together!
Happy Anniversary and blessings to you and your home!

Goodnight moon said...

Happy Anniversary...even though I'm a few days late. Oops!

I loved looking at all the pictures. They were all so great! Wow...15yrs..that is sooo amazing! I hope you had a great day celebrating together.

DUSTINE said...

Thanks everyone!! :-)

Melanie Miday-Stern said...

Happy Belated Anniversary. You two look great! Can't believe I remember when you two started dating! WOW! It's been that long! LOL

Anyway, loved seeing the pictures of your travels. Were you all doing missionary work or just traveling? I can't remember if you told me. I will be up in OHIO the first week of August. We should get together.


DUSTINE said...

I know! Actually, you're one of the very few people outside of his family I know who knew him before me!! We never did missionary work...we have traveled a lot over the years and I didn't include many of the places we've been. We did take a group of youth to World Youth Day in Germany one year...although we had been there once before.

I have been absent from bloggy world for quite some time...hope to reaquaint with my blog friends in the coming days!!!

Would love to catch up when you come to Ohio!


Anonymous said...

Wow Im a little late but..Happy Anniversary...I was away for about 2 months ...this is my new blog..!my old one was care hope all is well..!